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About BSJH

Bataan St. Joseph Hospital, the leading healthcare provider in the province of Bataan was established in 1973, thru the initiative of Mr. Honorato B. Aquino and Mrs. Angelita B. Aquino together with a group of doctors headed by Dr. Umberto Reyes. It was named after the patron saint of Balanga. Initially established as a secondary hospital, it is one of the first private hospitals in Bataan. It introduced Medical and Surgical services which was not available in the area during that time. Through the years, it has been known as a provider of reliable and competent medical services.


The year 2007 marked another milestone in the hospital’s history. It was approved by the Department of Health as a tertiary level hospital. It is the only tertiary level private hospital in Bataan. As a tertiary level hospital, it is licensed to provide more advanced medical and surgical services. Moreover, it is licensed to provide services for patients needing intensive care unit admission.


Health services became more specialized with the establishment of different departments for each particular health services. We have the Department of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics and Anesthesia Department. The most recent department to be established is the Department of Ophthalmology that caters specifically to the diseases of the eye.


Each department is lead by a Department Chairman and its members include the active consultant of the particular specialty. 


The hospital has been at the forefront of recent development in healthcare.


It established a tertiary level laboratory. The laboratory can handle routine hematology and blood chemistry, routine urinalysis and stool exam and other body fluid analysis.  It employs both fully automated and semi-automated techniques to ensure accuracy and precision in the diagnosis of disease. In addition, it can do special tests like thyroid function test, prostate specific antigen and hepatitis profile. It is the only laboratory with a licensed bacteriology section capable of doing culture and sensitivity studies. The laboratory is a member of the Philippine Council of Quality Assurance. It is open 24 hours.


The Diagnostic Imaging Section is a complex that includes Different Imaging Modalities. The hospital has acquired a new ultrasound machine, which is equipped with color Doppler. This machine is capable of identifying blood supply of tumors. It is also equipped with the newest 4D capability. The hospital was the first to establish a Helical CT-scan, which is capable of distinguishing very small tumors. The high-resolution machine decreased the procedure time to a fraction of the time it would take if a conventional CT scan is used.


The hospital also has a Heart Station. This provides Diagnostic test for patients in need of special tests for the heart. It has 2D Echo machine and Treadmill Stress Test.


The Department of Surgery established a minimally invasive surgery section in 2009. It provides laparoscopic surgery procedure for general surgery and thoracic cases.  The Department also has a thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.


In 2009, The Kidney Center of the Hospital was inaugurated.  It provides Hemodialysis services. The Center was awarded by the Department of Health to provide nine stations for dialysis services.  It acquired new dialysis machine to serve its clients. It is a member of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute.


In 2010, the hospital established a gastrointestinal section under the Department of Medicine. Video Endoscopy for the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract was introduced. This machine can establish diagnosis of gastric ulcers, gastric cancers, colonic polyps and tumors.


With the establishment of the Department of Ophthalmology, a Cataract Center was established.  The Center provides the most advance technology for Cataract Surgery with the acquisition of INFINITI Phaco Machine.  Now, cataract surgery can be done on an out patient basis. These techniques are bloodless and suture less.


The most important asset of the hospital is its consultant staff. The consultant staffs are all Board Certified Doctors in Medicine, Surgery, OB-Gynecology, Pediatrics, EENT, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Urology, Gastroenterology, Ophthalmology, Pulmonary Medicine and Anesthesia, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. All consultants are fellows of their respective specialties.     


Through the years, Bataan St. Joseph Hospital has endeavored to raise the standards of healthcare in Bataan. Because of its effort in improving the health services in Bataan, The Center for Health Development 3 (Regional Health Office No. 3) awarded it as a “Healthy Hospital.” In grateful recognition of courageously accepting the challenge in taking the lead to meet the physical, social and environmental needs, the hospital stands to be strong tool to promote public health and faster responsible development especially among the staff and general public.


In 2010, the PhilHealth accredited the hospital as Center for Quality. This means that the hospital adheres to high standards set by PhilHealth.


Presently, it was chosen by Makati Medical Center as a partner in its Strategic Hospital Alliance Program (SHAP). This partnership will help broaden the services that the hospital can provide its clients with the assurance of maintaining quality care. This proves once more the hospital’s commitment to providing quality health care for the people of Bataan.


At present the hospital continues to find ways to improve the quality of health care in Bataan. This is in fulfillment of its vision of being the premier referral center in the region.

Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Brgy. Doña Francisca,

Balanga City, Bataan Philippines 2100

Trunk Line 047-237-0226 / Direct Line 047-237-2009 / Facsimile 047-237-3009


CALL +639692536403
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